Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Famous Last Words....

Have you ever noticed how society hangs on every little word that comes out of famous people's mouths. Even last night with the Presidential debate, each Presidential candidate slowly and very carefully chose their words as audience members asked them tons of questions. It's because WE are watching and waiting for people to say crazy things, wrong things, and sometimes, if we're lucky, amazing things.

But inevitably when a famous person dies everyone waits for their famous last words. Be these words of wisdom, or loving words of kindness.

Paul was one of those men that all through his life, people noticed. When he was a Pharisee that persecuted Christians, I feel sure people noticed and were quite frankly afraid of him. When he was miraculously saved he became quite possibly the greatest prophet our world has ever seen, aside from Jesus. And during his time, and his many missionary journeys he began to develop strong relationships with other believers that would impact the world around them. Paul died for a reason; that reason being to proclaim Jesus life, death, and resurrection.

In the next couple of weeks we are going to read and study what Paul's famous last words were in II Timothy as he spoke loving and encouraging words to his most faithful friend, so that this friend could carry on the teachings of Jesus to the next generation. Come join us this Wednesday at 7:30 pm as we fellowship and study God's word together. Shoot me an email at to get directions!


Dan said...

4:48am and able to type a post? I am impressed! We are praying for you guys for tonight! 2 Kings 6:17

Kenny Deason said...

I love 2 Timothy. Paul pretty much rocks anyway you slice him, but 2 Timothy does make the mouth water to be hangin' with a guy like Paul, or better yet becoming a guy like Paul. I guess that's why he wrote the letter so that others would do pretty much what he had done.