Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Gospel: GUARD the Good News

Ya, pretty much of all us have heard the Gospel and believed the Gospel. But, do we truly, truly understand and take to heart what God calls of us to do in response to it. It should change our lives, it should make us see the world through different eyes, and it should stir us to arms in defense of the Gospel.

In II Timothy, continuing in Chapter 1, Paul calls Timothy not only to teach and be bold in Ephesus, as the church leader there, but to become so passionate about the Gospel that Timothy would guard it like the treasure it was and still is.

Come join us at The Terrace at 7:30pm Wednesday night. I think Holly might be making some good ole' chip o' the choclate cookies and we will dive in to some good talk about God's word, as well as a probably some other random subjects, which last week led us into sleep walking....Stay tuned!