Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Amos Study

Come join us at The Terrace for the beginning of a new study on the OT book Amos.   For those that have not read much of the old testament, or simply haven't in a while, it is always awesome to get back to some of the truths and convictions laid out in the OT.  

Come join tonight as we have an intro into the book of Amos and talk some about God's vision for Amos and his life.  As Amos was called to preach to the Israelites there is no doubt that he second guessed his aptitude for this job.  Yet God used him to deliver a message of strong conviction and repentance to the Israelites that resonated for generations to come. If you feel or have ever felt complacent in your walk with the Lord, come and be encouraged as we dive into God's word.

We are meeting at 7:30 and should have coffee and perhaps some cookies/brownies as usual.  Come be a part of this campus group community and join in some great fellowship. See you there.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Movie Night

There is no Bible study tonight since we have finished 2 Timothy and tomorrow is Thanksgiving. But, our pastor (Kenny D) and his family are coming over to the Terrace for a movie night and you're all invited to join us. We'll be starting the flick around 7:30. Per norm, there will be coffee, tea, and snacks. I should also mention that we now have a second couch, so you shouldn't have to sit in the uncomfy wooden chairs during the movie...

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


The first annual "Terrace Cold Weather Cookoff" took place last week November 5th. The contenders: Chili vs. Chowda.

Holly Corbin -brought a sweet yet zesty blend of beef, beans, and booyah to the table in the big ole' chili bowl.
Jamie Growe- stepped up to the plate with some oh so good Corn Chowda' with enough punch to leave you hankerin' for some more.

Who won? Well, let's just say the chowda brought the house down while the beer bread chased my blues away.

It was all amazing, and we try to not to choose favorites, because afterall food that is made that I don't have to prepare is always, always really good.

Thanks to those who brought food and thanks to all that came. The men of the night had a really good conversation about our testimonies while the ladies had conversations about....well.. let's just say, not testimonies.

Just a quick reminder about the terrace campus group meeting tomorrow night at 7:30pm. We would love to have any and all of you whether you have come before or not! We will continue our study on II Timothy, see how Paul challenged Timothy, and talk about how these challenging charges apply to us today. It is truly a blessing each week to come together with friends for fellowship. We hope you can make it!

oh and there will be brownies and coffee as usual...

Email me if you need directions

Monday, October 27, 2008

II Timothy 2:1-7

As we have studied II Timothy for the past few weeks there has been much discussion about our responsibility as recipients of God’s grace to actively, but humbly, use our spiritual gifts to both guard and share the truth of the gospel.

“…but just as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, so we speak, not as pleasing men, but God who examines the heart.” (I Thess. 2:4)

Regrettably, it is far too easy as immature Christians to fall into the trap of wanting to please ourselves or others more than wanting to please God. Even church leaders are susceptible to this selfish desire, which “inevitably leads to moral and spiritual decline, because pleasing the world, including worldly Christians, demands compromise of God’s truth, God’s standards, and personal holiness” (The MacArthur New Testament Commentary – II Timothy, p.45).

John MacArthur also gives a good summary of the verses we discussed last week at the Terrace. He writes,

“There are certain things the spiritual Christian has to endure, such as suffering for the faith [v.3]. There are certain things he has to avoid, such as becoming entangled with the affairs of the world [v.4]. There are certain mandates he has to obey, namely, the commands of his Lord [v.5]. There are certain things he has to do, including tasks that seem mundane and ordinary [v.6]. And, just as surely, there are things he will be given to enjoy, the victory and the rewards of a dedicated selfless, and disciplined life. Through His apostle [Paul], the Lord assures us: ‘Be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord’ (1 Cor.15:58).”
(The MacArthur New Testament Commentary – II Timothy, p.49)

We are grateful for the spiritual gifts God has given us so that we may be equipped for effective service. But like Timothy, we often look at our weaknesses and feel largely inadequate. So we strive, through prayer and faith, to keep Christ as the treasure of our hearts and to make pleasing Him our primary goal in life. We trust that He is faithful and will bring to completion the good work he began in us (Philippians 1:6).

Saturday, October 18, 2008

What a great night Wednesday night. We spent some good time chatting over coffee and some famous "corbin special recipe" chocolate chip cookies.
We dove into II Timothy and discussed Paul's charge for Timothy and all believers, to cherish, guard, and share the gospel. After talking about practical ways to do this in our lives, and what guarding the gospel really looks like we broke up for the night and all gave Steve a high five on his broken hand?!
Come check it out The Terrace next week, we would love to have you for the first time or again and again!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Gospel: GUARD the Good News

Ya, pretty much of all us have heard the Gospel and believed the Gospel. But, do we truly, truly understand and take to heart what God calls of us to do in response to it. It should change our lives, it should make us see the world through different eyes, and it should stir us to arms in defense of the Gospel.

In II Timothy, continuing in Chapter 1, Paul calls Timothy not only to teach and be bold in Ephesus, as the church leader there, but to become so passionate about the Gospel that Timothy would guard it like the treasure it was and still is.

Come join us at The Terrace at 7:30pm Wednesday night. I think Holly might be making some good ole' chip o' the choclate cookies and we will dive in to some good talk about God's word, as well as a probably some other random subjects, which last week led us into sleep walking....Stay tuned!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Famous Last Words....

Have you ever noticed how society hangs on every little word that comes out of famous people's mouths. Even last night with the Presidential debate, each Presidential candidate slowly and very carefully chose their words as audience members asked them tons of questions. It's because WE are watching and waiting for people to say crazy things, wrong things, and sometimes, if we're lucky, amazing things.

But inevitably when a famous person dies everyone waits for their famous last words. Be these words of wisdom, or loving words of kindness.

Paul was one of those men that all through his life, people noticed. When he was a Pharisee that persecuted Christians, I feel sure people noticed and were quite frankly afraid of him. When he was miraculously saved he became quite possibly the greatest prophet our world has ever seen, aside from Jesus. And during his time, and his many missionary journeys he began to develop strong relationships with other believers that would impact the world around them. Paul died for a reason; that reason being to proclaim Jesus life, death, and resurrection.

In the next couple of weeks we are going to read and study what Paul's famous last words were in II Timothy as he spoke loving and encouraging words to his most faithful friend, so that this friend could carry on the teachings of Jesus to the next generation. Come join us this Wednesday at 7:30 pm as we fellowship and study God's word together. Shoot me an email at to get directions!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

The Terrace

Hey everybody, welcome to "The Terrace" blog. We are a campus group that meets Wednesday night at 7:30 pm and also Sunday evening at 6pm at CampusChurch on OCU's campus ( We are a group of believers that love fellowship, believe in the teachings of Jesus, and live it out together, here at The Terrace.

If you are a student at the OUHSC, a student anywhere, or just want to come hang out, learn, and make some great friends join us Wednesday nights.  We are meeting at a pad at 46th Terrace (between 46th and 47th) and Walker (near Crown Heights).  We would love to have you!

Shoot me or any of the other leaders an email for more info.