The first annual "Terrace Cold Weather Cookoff" took place last week November 5th. The contenders: Chili vs. Chowda.
Holly Corbin -brought a sweet yet zesty blend of beef, beans, and booyah to the table in the big ole' chili bowl.
Jamie Growe- stepped up to the plate with some oh so good Corn Chowda' with enough punch to leave you hankerin' for some more.
Who won? Well, let's just say the chowda brought the house down while the beer bread chased my blues away.
It was all amazing, and we try to not to choose favorites, because afterall food that is made that I don't have to prepare is always, always really good.
Thanks to those who brought food and thanks to all that came. The men of the night had a really good conversation about our testimonies while the ladies had conversations about....well.. let's just say, not testimonies.
Just a quick reminder about the terrace campus group meeting tomorrow night at 7:30pm. We would love to have any and all of you whether you have come before or not! We will continue our study on II Timothy, see how Paul challenged Timothy, and talk about how these challenging charges apply to us today. It is truly a blessing each week to come together with friends for fellowship. We hope you can make it!
oh and there will be brownies and coffee as usual...
Email me if you need directions christopher-corbin@ouhsc.edu
Holly Corbin -brought a sweet yet zesty blend of beef, beans, and booyah to the table in the big ole' chili bowl.
Jamie Growe- stepped up to the plate with some oh so good Corn Chowda' with enough punch to leave you hankerin' for some more.
Who won? Well, let's just say the chowda brought the house down while the beer bread chased my blues away.
It was all amazing, and we try to not to choose favorites, because afterall food that is made that I don't have to prepare is always, always really good.
Thanks to those who brought food and thanks to all that came. The men of the night had a really good conversation about our testimonies while the ladies had conversations about....well.. let's just say, not testimonies.
Just a quick reminder about the terrace campus group meeting tomorrow night at 7:30pm. We would love to have any and all of you whether you have come before or not! We will continue our study on II Timothy, see how Paul challenged Timothy, and talk about how these challenging charges apply to us today. It is truly a blessing each week to come together with friends for fellowship. We hope you can make it!
oh and there will be brownies and coffee as usual...
Email me if you need directions christopher-corbin@ouhsc.edu
I think a fairly strong argument could be made that the ladies' conversations were just as (if not more) revealing than the men's.
On a completely unrelated note, I think your subconscious thinks the chowder beat out the chili in the cooking contest, judging from your choice of images for the blog.
When you say that the ladies conversation was revealing...well in the since that it was revealing ONLY to those who were already blushing and heard the revealing nature of the conversation the first time...those were enlightened. Not so revealing to the men. Not testimonies indeed Chris. Not testimonies indeed.
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